Why Modern-day education institutions are turning into Cemetery

      There was a time wherein the students' quarrels, either the pages of the notes were torn down or any button or hook of the school dress was broken. As a result, the punishment was given to all or both of them in the school and also separately at home. But today it is not so, if you see the news reports, then the result of the mutual conflict in schools is being seen as exaggerated as murder, violence and therefore the parents are seen frequently visiting the court due to committing the crime by their children.

       Seeing the latest incident of now, the murder of a twelve-year-old boy in a boarding school in Dehradun has once again besprinkled the blood stains on the clothes of the school which are called as the temple of education. This brutal episode of murder has also put the school management under questions. Student of the seventh grade Vasu Yadav was beaten to death two 12th class students using their cricket bat and it is again surprising that the school administration buried the body of the child within the premises itself without telling to anyone not even informing the parents! This incident has raised a question on the safety of the children studying in the schools.

        Analyzing some other events of the last days, the dead body of a fifteen years old student name-Vaibhav, was found in the bathroom of the first floor of Jeevan Jyoti School, Krawal Nagar, Delhi. In January 2018, a student studying in Class VIII - Ritesh Sharma, a 7-year-old student of the first class in Lucknow, was injured seriously by stabbing in his chest and stomach in the toilet of the school by a 12-year-old girl studying in the fourth standard of the same school. Meanwhile, some students of a government school in Delhi's Jyoti Nagar area had beaten and killed a class 10th student. Who would be unaware of the well-known Pradyumna massacre in the Ryan International School, Gurugram, adjacent to Delhi? After that, if we look in the other areas of the country, an 18-year-old student was stabbed 31 times with a knife and killed in Vadodara city, Gujarat. On July 21, Ankush, another 18-year-old student of class 12 in Peelu Kheda town of Jind district, was harshly stabbed by some of his fellow students which led to his death the next day. There are not a few such incidents occur in the country, which points towards the trend of violence which has been arising in the mindset of the school students, and these incidents are a bellwether for the society.

        In all such cases, citing the mutual conflict between the student as the reason for the killing, the police completed their report and made an arrest of the students involved in these murders ending up by sending them to jail. But after all, the story repeats again with the same thing and the same question persist that after all the schoolchildren are expressing these violent behaviors? The disputes that can be resolved through mutual dialogue are being solved through murder or violence. So far, such cases were heard in only in the western countries, especially in the states of America. Children born in a gun culture, continue to carry out the firing incidents in schools when their little interest hits them. Last year, in the firing in Florida, 17 people, including 14 students, were killed and at least 10 students were killed in another violent incident happened in a high school in Texas.

        Now the question arises that why this has started happening in our country, how is this violence budding-in in the children suddenly? If you try to find the answer to this question, then you will two major reasons. First is that the management of today's modern schools or institutions is more interested in their own profits making. They just create a sense of competitions within the children but are unable to teach the values, ethics, and education in this competition.

        Because of this, in the race to win and come forward, there are usually instances of jealousy in the students, which often turned violent. The second reason is to note whether smartphone or TV are behind the violence! Because the video games in which there is a lot of ruckus or beat-fisted films, also creates a deep impact on the minds of the children and they often start thinking of themselves as the heroes of video games. Another reason is the environment of the house. In which the father is to beat the mother or to beat the children. Many times, some of the parents use violence to communicate like slapping, kicking, etc. In such a situation, the perception goes in the mind of the children is that the use of violence is right and that by doing so, they can keep their point. Now the children will obviously learn whatever they see. If you put them in creative activities, their mind will look there. Do not pay attention just to their studies only, teaching the curriculum will not help children growing morally. His good will be from the education provided by rites otherwise why such a violent disaster is coming in the temples of decent conduct, good behavior, ethics, and education? To ensure this learning, the school, the family, society all are responsible. If the answers to these questions are not searched today, then perhaps there will be left with nothing except the remorse for tomorrow.

Vinay Arya (General Secretary) Aryasamaj

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